БТА: International Jazz Festival Opens in Borovets

Dr Tatyana Ilieva, Director of the Dr Emil Iliev International Jazz Festival, said the audiences would enjoy six unforgettable nights with performers from Bulgaria and 12 other countries. The festival’s third edition opened in Borovets on Friday evening.
Ilieva also said: “This sophisticated audience has been waiting for a year for the biggest jazz festival in Bulgaria – an event that needs no introduction.” In her words, when something is initiated, it is a beginning; when it is done for the second time, it is a repetition; and when the audience is looking forward to it and it is the third time – it is already a tradition.
Samokov Mayor Angel Dzhorgov said: “We want to promote ourselves, and events like yours really help us to promote Borovets not just as a ski resort but also as a wonderful summer destination.”
The Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) Big Band under Antoni Donchev were the first to play on the opening night, with Vassil Petrov and 16-year-old Valeria Stoyanova as soloists. They played the hymn of the festival. Next to appear on the stage were Keubitbit from Indonesia and Lina Rodrigues from Portugal.
The opening was attended by Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) Director General Kiril Valchev, BNR Director General Milen Mitev, writers Vladimir Zarev and Mirela Ivanova, and many others.
BTA is media partner of the event.
Източник: БTA

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